3 Common Tips to Prepare for Your Next Mosquito Season
While many people in the USA enjoy and welcome summer with open arms, it can also be that time we prepare to deal with winged pests such as pesky mosquitoes. Although this is a favorite season for many, it is the time we experience warmer temperatures and heavy rains. These two factors are mainly responsible for contributing to the breeding of mosquitoes, resulting in so many days and nights of itching and scratching. Also, if mosquito infestation is ignored, it can cause the spread of a range of diseases including malaria and dengue fever.
Thankfully, here at Bed bug Texas, we offer professional mosquito control services in Tomball. We are regarded as the leading commercial and residential pest control service provider in locations such as Tomball, TX. continuing on the subject, in this blog, Bed bug Texas shares the common tips to prepare for your next mosquito season.
Remove The Standing Water
One of the common tips to prepare for your mosquito season is to get rid of standing water that can be caused by rain falls or snow melts. Make sure you inspect everything including overturned trashcan lids, old tires, plastic sheeting, kiddie pools, and birdbaths to avoid allowing standing water to build up. Also, it is important to fix any leaking spots around your yard that may end up causing puddles around the perimeter of your property.
Clear The Gutters and Drains
Another common tip to prepare for mosquito season is to clear the gutters and drains as it helps to prevent the formation of stagnant water that can be by mosquitoes used to lay eggs and breed. Clearing these drains and gutters is important as many of them become cluttered with pine straw and fallen leaves over the winter, even with built-up rainwater and melted ice. Avoid these situations as they can be the perfect grounds for mosquito breeding. So make sure you deal with these gutters so that you can avoid any liquid from flowing freely and reduce the places in which mosquitoes can breed.
Clean Up Your Yard
Last but not least, consider cleaning up your yard by getting rid of anything that could collect water including old tires or other debris. Also, make sure that you fill in any dips around your yard as they may become puddles in rainy weather. This is because it is important to pay special attention to any water features when you are trying to get rid of mosquitoes. Also, if possible, it is advisable to consider putting bubblers that direct the water in ponds to avoid it from so that not being stagnant. There are also other natural means of prevention such as introducing minnows that feed on mosquito larvae.
Call us for affordable professional mosquito control services
If you are looking to invest in professional mosquito control services to gain peace of mind that your residential property is protected, then your search ends here. Bed bug Texas is here to offer residents of Tomball, TX affordable professional mosquito control services. We are the leading residential pest control service provider in Tomball TX as we can help you and your family to enjoy daytime outdoors and nighttime indoors.
If you are ready to get rid of mosquitoes, call us at 713-357-1627 or email at contact@bedbugtexas.com to request a quote.